Sunday, January 03, 2010


Okay, first, I don't really believe in resolutions. That's why I'm making some. What? I'm crazy.

Suck it.

Third, on to resolutions.
First, (Third, first? Maybe that should be a little a?) I need to take stock of anything that actually requires a resolution. Here are things I'd like to improve:
a) organization of paper around the house
b) job situation (which is a general happiness improvement)
c) the amount I see family and friends
d) health stuff

Let's tackle these in order.
a) organization. This will not really improve while under construction. Although, due to our lack of space, I have been much better about tackling the piles of mail we get more regularly. Hopefully this will translate to the "new" house and will even improve. TODAY I will did go to some no mail sites and put us in. Also, I've pulled out various privacy policies as I've received them and will OPT OUT of having my address used for solicitations. The amount of credit card offers we get alone is ridiculous.

b) job situation. There isn't much I can do except try to find something with a stress level, oh, about 75% less than what I have. Also less work hours. I have been applying to government jobs and will continue this process. I will, however, make a little more time for this in order to maximize applications. If in three months something hasn't budged (April 1), I will reevaluate my situation.

c) more time for family and friends. We failed on visiting this year, at least in part. Case in point, we promised to go see my family in Cleveland and DID NOT do it. I apologize. This is partly a function of b) and some other things. Like -- we worked on getting our loan for four months (which took way too much time), then the construction started, all while I was trying to make my hours at work. Not pretty. We just have to prioritize this and "make it work."

d) health stuff. Tackle this on another blog. Sorry.

So, some little changes (organizing) and some bigger ones (job, travel). I'll see if I can't keep us posted on the progress. I did manage to read a lot more books in 2009, which was a goal. My Kindle should increase this even more. Looking forward to more reading (if I can find the time ...)!!

Also looking forward to a "new" home and having a kitchen again. I've already decided there will be more freshly-made meals around here (instead of leftovers). Predictions on finish date? My guess is end of February. H's is more like March.

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